In the last few days, in between other things that had to be done, I've assembled some more plants for the FAME project. The door to the shop has been aged, the transom window has been "frosted", but the door handles and the display window are not yet in place.
The side bars for the bay window are in place, but the main part of the window is still being constructed. The Carpenter-in-Chief feels things should be held together with glue and screws, but it is taking time....
Two taller plants have been added; the wonderful hanging (commercially made) plant will hang from the eventual ceiling beams. As well, several more (3, I think) smaller plants have also been completed. Marilyn D. gave me the super glass dome on a stand, it is an antiqued bronze finish and is just crying out for a special plant. She has also given me some gorgeous picture frames, to be painted, aged and then have gold highlights added, to go into the shop.
It is a small space, and I do have to be careful with what goes into it; the dressing table and mirror frame are definite, but I have yet to decide what other surfaces/shelves will work with my shabby chic flower shop vision. I think I like the idea of an old dry sink, shelves on the wall and along the ceiling, and perhaps a table with a marble top and a shelf underneath. If it will all fit, that is!
I've also made the hostas for the street-side beds of the Japanese vignette; they are ready to be planted once I make up my mind how to put the fences in place. Pictures of that to come when things are a little more ready.
La floristería tiene muy buen aspecto,me gusta como ha quedado la puerta envejecida con el cristal translucido y las nuevas plantas!!!