Yesterday, our Fame group exhibited at the model railroad show again, our fourth year. This year, our name was even on the poster! As there was an extra table for us, I offered to do a flower-making demo, as one of our members had commissioned a couple of potted poinsettia plants. Two of them got done at the show, the third I just finished, and I'm starting 3 coral and 3 hot pink potted plants. Doing it at home is much faster than at the show! My plan is to have a dozen of these plants, in four different colours. There are various stages of completion on the cutting mat and stuck in the foam block.
The other thing I'm working on is a miniature project that follows the principle of an Advent Calendar; in this case, you do a mini a day and by Christmas Eve you have a completed setting to decorate your home. Hmmmm, well Dec. 1 we had company, so no minis got done. Yesterday, Dec. 2, I spent at the show. So all I have done so far is what is above, along with the window lining and frame. I think my Advent Calendar will have to be worked on well into the New Year....
To motivate myself, I'll post what I managed to get done every evening - the first part of the project is the setting itself, so rather labour-intensive. As one goes along, the projects get smaller and easier to finish in one session. To further motivate myself, two mini friends are participating in this challenge, and are also making their version of the Advent Calendar.
This particular project comes from the German miniature publication, 1 zu 12, and was designed by their editor, Rita Beninde. The magazine was a gift to me from one of my Camp MiniHaHa friends. She occasionally gets an extra when mail is inexplicably delayed, and as I can read German, and love their projects, I am very happy to get this magazine! This project was published in their Nov./Dec. 2011 issue.
We agreed that we don't have to do every project, some of which didn't appeal so much to our North American eyes. So we will also be delving into our respective stashes, and seeing what we have squirreled away that will work with this project. Hopefully, I can get photos of all 3 finished projects early next year.
Now I have to relearn how to center my photos! Back to gluing petals on poinsettia plants....
Bonitos proyectos,tanto el trabajo con las poinsettias como la idea de hacer un calendario de adviento personal,para lograr una escena!!