But the stucco is on, the window is framed, and the wainscoting has been sort of pickle painted; you brush on and then wipe off the paint. I see I am still very straight-line challenged, judging by the window top!
The floor is partially planked, and I need to decide which fireplace design to use, in order to go forward. The planks will also be pickle painted, as will parts of the fireplace wall. The original design has a very European, i.e. quite tiny, fireplace without a hearth; I'd like to have a hearth, as it would give me a good surface to place decorations on.
I need to find a scene to place behind the window. I'd love to use a photo of my own back garden in winter, as this will likely go to my younger daughter, but I don't think it is on my camera any more, and I don't know if I can capture a photo from the blog to print. I must ask her.
The vignette is quite white and cream in colour, in order to set off the various furnishings and decorative items that will be made for it. Right now the wall is sort of white, but tomorrow it will be painted in light buttermilk.
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