The rug is the one specified in the Advent Calendar instructions; a base, in my case hunter green Aida cloth, with some rows of threads removed. Woven into the holes is miniature hat straw, and then a row of running stitches done with cordonnee embroidery thread. The whole is then provided with a backing of iron-on interfacing. I like it! However, it is a bit touchy with the embroidery cloth; burlap or a loose weave wool would have been much easier to weave through. Once the vignette is finished, I'll use some repositionable glue on the corners of the rug to keep it down.
The ottoman is one I designed myself, as I didn't like the one in the article. I gave it a little bit of co-ordinated piping, done by sandwiching floral wire in a strip of cotton. It isn't perfect, but I kind of got the idea across. Now I have to make a chair to match. The piping is a bit of a pain to do....
Tomorrow I work, so I don't know how much I'm going to be able to get done.
The rug is the Day 3 project, while the ottoman is Day 5. I am still catching up with the program!
Wow! It's all looking so nice and I like the way the ottoman picks up the cream background in the pillow! Really gives it a warm and homey feel. I am wishing for you that time slows down a bit and you find a lot of it to catch up!