Thursday 18 August 2022

Small Progress Report

Real Life keeps getting in the way of making minis, but I did manage to get some things done. Currently, I have a box of unfinished kits into which I'm dipping when I have a bit of time to mini. Over the last ten or so days, I've manage to actually finish one of those kits. I made some slight adjustments, as the designer provided two sets of card bases for the lid and I didn't really like the thickness of that arrangements. Which means, of course, that I fiddled with it, came up with a single lid, then had to rethink the hinging arrangements, and while I was at it, I also replaced the silk ribbon ties provided with some cordonnee embroidery thread. The proportions were more acceptable to me.

The fabric provided is very dainty, and I still have some left for another small project, at some time. The bottom of the basket is also covered with a card covered with this fabric. The two halves of the lid lift up, thanks to a fabric hinge which also covered the raw edges of the fabric on top.

The little basket is woven "wicker", made with waxed linen cord. I like it, although I don't actually have a use for it right now, but I suspect it will end up in the scullery room box, currently on loan to a local living museum. There is a basket of mending in front of the settle bench, after all.

As strange as it may look, this is a view down into the bird cage, with the Japanese newspaper covered in gravel secured to the bottom. Next is the bird, and Lady Iolanthe, my older daughter who at times comments on the blog, will be here on Saturday for 3 weeks, so she can help me figure out the best sort of bird to put in the cage. She suggested a Japanese nightingale, but it may be too drab in colour to show up in the cage....


1 comment:

  1. Hello marijke, It has turned out into a lovely basket. That fabric is very pretty indeed! It will make a lovely addition to any room I'm sure.

    Japanese nightingales are pretty little things. It is hard to choose the right bird, but i am sure that you will mke the right decision for the future occupant of this birdcage.

