Wednesday 9 February 2022

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!

The decision I'm pondering is whether I need to add more snow along the edges of my vignette base; I wanted the scene to look like the snow had been removed, just remaining around the edges of the stall and the posts. However, I am not sure I am giving that effect. Any ideas, please?

I made a trio of crates last Thursday, that will eventually go onto an inclined plinth and will hold the many Christmas tree decorations I made. None of them are small enough to fit into the boxes, and there really is not a lot of space on the shelves for hanging displays. 

We have been going from snow storm to snow storm here, which has kept us in the house most of the time. It has also been quite dark because of the overcast, and I've wanted nothing as much as being able to hibernate like a bear and ignore winter altogether! Most of my time has been spent knitting or sewing, but I did sort out some more stuff to put together for the market stall. And I still haven't got a really good name for it....



  1. I have been enjoying watching this project take shape! I think more snow would be a good idea... and a little "tromped on" section right by the booth... with maybe a little drifting higher along the side walls. And maybe a dusting in the light strings and the roof! It should feel cold and wintry after all! I can't wait to see the decorations all in place too!

    1. The roof shingles already have some snow on them; I'll post a photo soon. The tops of the posts also have snow. I think you are right in suggesting more snow along the edges. I'm also thinking of "wet" patches (i.e. gloss varnish puddles) for snow melt areas.
