Saturday 28 November 2020

It's a Matter of Go and Stop

As you can see, construction goes on, but the need to prepare all the individual units before actual assembly is driving me a little bit crazy! The toilet area is done, I just have to install a door in the partition, but I can't glue anything in place yet, as I have to finish the hallway, install the faux slanted area of the roof, and finish the back wall before anything can be made permanent. The buttress and toilet block will help support the wall with the door, and the stairs will go on the left.

A lot of the pieces are currently living in a box, awaiting their installation. The end of the hallway area is next, to finish the walls, and the floor. Right now, the wall between the hallway and the main portion of the workshop is screwed in place, but not glued, as it has to come out again in order for me to work in that area. A slanted beam goes at the top of the wall,  and it has to be covered in "reeds" - I am using an old corn broom whisk, which is nice and dirty as it is used....

So, next up, I need to reed and beam that roof slant portion, and when that is in place, I can do the buttress and wall. When those are done, I can install a small sink area and a bricked drain. Then the hallway partition will be affixed, after which comes the slanted roof portion over the workshop, with reeds and beams. Rinse and repeat - finish buttresses, walls and floors.

It will be a while yet!



  1. You have so much already done, in the bits and bobs that are set aside right now, that once you get these construction parts done, everything will come together really quickly. And it will look fantastic!! I can hardly wait! - Marilyn D.

  2. Great progress since the last time I saw an update, Marijke! It's going to come out so lovely with all of the care you are taking before final assembly! Hope each step falls perfectly in to place for you!

  3. Enjoy the little things ;-)

    Forgive the pun. But I'm sure it will go faster than you think. It'll all come together beautifully and you'll want to do it all over again.

  4. I think this klompenmakerij is coming along nicely. You have quite a few things done already waiting for asembly. I look forward to see the next steps.


    1. Thank you all! I am attempting to sort out a floor mop sink, but the bricks are too big; one challenge after the other. I am going to design my own!

  5. I can already see I like the windows.

  6. It is coming along nicely. I think, with so many little things already prepared, putting it all together will go really quick - Can't wait to see!
