My camera and I are not getting along that well these days; it eats batteries, which means I have to leave the battery port open, and it is a struggle to close it every time. It also does not interact with the computer to rotate photos any more, much is the pity, as I had a better photo which kept insisting on going sideways even though I had rotated it straight up.
Here is the flat of primroses I mentioned in an earlier post; if you click on the photo, you can see that there is a tiny lady bug beetle on the leaf that is hanging over. Some years ago, I was given a sheet of lady bugs; during my last mini vacation, I think I figured out how they were made. You need stained glass pens and the backing of something that is self-adhesive; I've saved the backing of a sticker that states, Miniaturists Work as Little as Possible....
The sticker itself lives on the back window of my car. To make the lady bugs, you need to make a dot of red stained glass paint on the backing sheet and allow that to dry. Then make an even tinier dot of black stained glass paint next to the red one for the bug's head. You don't need to make the dots on the bug's back at this scale! Dot a tiny tacky glue dot on the leaf, place the lady bug, and allow to dry.
It adds some fun realism to miniature plants and flowers!
linda escena!