Monday 6 January 2014

Tudor Apothecary Shop and Living Quarters

We are currently in the middle of a household flue epidemic, my carpenter-in-chief has been hacking and coughing away for a week now, but insists he is getting better. As the workshop is not heated, and temperatures have hovered below 20 Celsius, I haven't had the heart to ask for the roof to be cut to accommodate the chimney. Yesterday evening, I developed a sore throat and started to cough as well....

Here are most of the components for the second half of the Apothecary, the shop and the tiny  living quarters above it. While waiting for people to get better, I will begin to do some designing on this, deciding where the bricks, stucco and support beams will go. The two sets of stairs have to be covered in a stone effect, and there are an awful lot of small, narrow pieces that will become the raised floor level, which can hopefully hide some of the electric wiring. I may as well brick the lower half of this piece while bricking the (eventual) chimney. In the meantime, it should be possible to cut, sand and stain the beams, and begin the stone work on the stairs.

All that will have to wait, however, until we are all healthy again. Today, it is pouring rain outside. At least that will reduce the level of the snow pack somewhat.  I am not a fan of winter at all....

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