Friday 27 September 2024

Still Here, Still Working....

 The previous owner of my newest camera arrives in a week, and will hopefully give me some help in how to move photos from the camera to the desktop and from there to the blog. I was, kind of, under the impression that improvements in electronic technology meant that operating these various computer-assisted items would become easier, but it appears that they just become more and more complex, difficult for those of us who are, ahem, older! I long for the day when all my devices will respond to my voice commands!

There is another carpet in the making, rather a complex design that I can only do for a little while each day, as my fingers cramp up. There have been a few non-urgent health issues, that have required in the last month three or more doctors' visits to deal with; among other things, I dealt with a bout of shingles on my, shall we say, "sitting surfaces", which made me rather short-tempered and not at all prepared to deal with complicated stuff. Lots of simple knitting, some puzzles, and a couple of nice days out have helped to deal with it all. The end of the road to recovery is just around the corner now, but I desperately need a week of decent sleep to be up to par again.

On my work table right now are two Christmas vignettes, one of which I hope will leave with my visitor, my younger daughter, as it is hers; we began it together, but with the distances between us now (6 or so hours by plane) it has languished, but I really would like it to be usable this coming Christmas. The other Christmas vignette is a Christmas market stall, mine unless one of my children or their partners would like it, that just needs a little tweaking and gluing to be done. I need space for the other vignettes I've been working on!

I hope to have everything up and running again in a week and a half or so. Thanks to all of you for sticking with me, it is much appreciated.