Wednesday 19 May 2021

Making It Look Used

The floor has been finished to look like an earthen floor, and the walls are being aged and dirtied to show evidence of  long-term industrial usage. We didn't have our meeting today, but hope to get together on Monday to make up for it. By that point, I hope to have the aging finished.

At this point, the windows have been fitted but not yet fixed. I need to make the corner wall and the wall with the stove rather more cream in colour, to match the other wall but will have to check it out in daylight to determine just how much colour to add. The bricks need mortar lining and colour washes to make them more realistic.

The paper clay shrunk rather more than I had planned for around the curves of the windows, so I filled in with paper clay "worms"; it wouldn't do to have light showing around the window frames. Soon I'll have to work on the lighting....



  1. Great project - looking forward to your progress

    1. Thanks, Troy. More tools and things to fill the workshop are on the way....

  2. Wonderful, Marijke! It's really developing character! Can't wait for more!!!

  3. The aging is something that really enhances a room or a scene. I still find it very dificult to do. You have given this room extra character through the aging. And the floor looks foor too. Just the right colour for earthenware. I love it.

    1. Thank you! I googled earthen floors, and was quite amazed at how they are being used again in modern housing. The colour depends on where the clay comes from, apparently. I remember red-brown clay, mostly!

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