Sunday 23 March 2014

Tudor Apothecary Shop - Third Wall

Just finished plastering the third wall, the one the apothecary garden will eventually be set against. In the original design, this wall is left unfinished, so out came a wonderful book a friend of my parents gave me, called Synthese, a four-language pictorial encyclopedia of the area of The Netherlands I grew up in. Many ideas for my Tudor structures have come from this book.

There are Tudor-style 500-year old farmhouses in the south of the province of Limburg, which I was able to visit as a child; in fact, one year my Brownie pack camped in one of these. Maybe that is another reason why I enjoy Tudor so much (besides not having to worry so much about straight lines and 90 degree corners). This wall design is roughly based on one of them. I hope to have some espaliered fruit trees along this wall, or tall plants like mullein or hollyhocks. That is why the detailing is in the second row of timbering rather than the first.

On to the brickwork, along three sides as the foundations, and the cap of the workshop chimney. If my shoulders relax, I will start that on Monday.

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