Friday, 12 January 2024

...And, We're Back in Business

 Finally, after a busy holiday season and a lot of weather cancellations, as well as health concerns and the like, we're finally back in business on the Maple Sugaring diorama.

The curved background of the diorama has been constructed, and we are working on the actual landscaping of our scene. The major elements are in palace here, and we are about to start the placement of the various trees.The pink foam will be shaped into shallow slopes, to draw the eye of the viewer from the background to the foreground. Marilyn has taken on the landscaping on this project, and we worked together at her house today to begin that process.

There will be a number of large and small trees, to carry the viewer's eyes into the background, and Marilyn is figuring out placements. The size of the trees will decrease the further they are in the diorama, to create a sense of greater depth than there is.

There are still a few small pieces, my part of it, to create, and we hope we can get this project done in a month or so, ready for what may be an early maple sugaring season here, thanks to el nino's contribution to the weird weather. However, a storm system is expected to appear here tomorrow and the next day, so heaven only knows what will happen. 

The display will be on show near the end of March, if everything falls into the schedule we've envisioned for this project. We're going forward again!

1 comment:

  1. This is looking great! I love the curved background for the diorama and think your end result will be wonderful! The weather has been weird here too, 8 inches of snow one day, two inches of rain two days later.... hard to know what to expect!
    Keep up the great work!
