Monday 3 July 2023

Well, It Seemed Like a Good Idea!

 The lavender plant has been planted, but it is not going into the garden corner!

I had long wanted to make the rooster plant sticker (1 zu 12 Magazine), so I decided to plant the lavender in a weathered, painted basket and stick the rooster in with it. However, it seemed out of scale with the rather small garden corner vignette. It is now living in the Provencal scent shop setting - roosters are, after all, a symbol used in France! It works much better here.

The weathered zinc planter which used to live in the Provencal scent shop setting is now going to live in the garden corner, as this size planter is much more in scale. Oddly, the flower soft-like material I used to make the lavender blossoms had turned a sort of rusty maroon colour in the past 10 years; I imagine it interacted with the glue somehow. A fine paint brush and some lavender paint restored the colour, and it looks good now.

On to planting the hydrangea; however, I may wait a bit with that and put together a dianthus plant instead, as I've long wanted to try the tutorial on one of the German miniatures blogs....


  1. Oh this is so fine. I like your floor.

    1. Thank you, Britt! Egg carton cut into bits, just like the pavement of the Provencal shop. The design is one of many people used to make cobbles more interesting, once upon a time....
