Thursday 21 April 2022

Good Intentions and Certain Roads....

Spring has sprung, and the St. John River is giving us its annual flood. I have bright yellow crocuses up in the garden, the first of the new bulbs planted last fall, and I hope the others we planted do as well. We also had our first real guest in two and a half years, so maybe things are getting back to normal? We are expecting our younger daughter to be with us for nearly 3 weeks in June, and our older daughter is planning a visit in late summer or early fall. Our son's ability to travel has much to do with his work load, but he too is hoping.

The photo is of at least 3 of the UFO's (UnFinished Objects) in my house that are trying to make me feel guilty, but I have, in fact, been finishing up UFO's in my other hobbies. My sewing machine and serger needed some work, and for that we had to travel two hours up the road to find a qualified repair person. 

Our little mini group of 3 has been getting together, and little things have been worked on, but not enough work has happened to make it worthwhile to share with you. However, hope springs eternal, and I do hope to get at least one of those projects DONE soon!

There is, however, some springtime garden maintenance that needs doing, removing piles of wet, rotting leaf mulch from all the flower beds, and as our days seem to alternate rain with sunshine, so it may be a little while yet....

My intentions have actually been good, but the carrying on is sometimes harder to achieve. Thank you all for sticking with me, and do stay tuned to encourage me to keep on going on!



  1. These look like fun projects to work on and will be so special when they reach their potential! Keep going Marijke! Minis are a great excuse to come in and take a break from the yardwork!

  2. Hope springs eternal indeed. It is good to read that family and friends can visit and stay at your house again. Lets hope that we have left the worse of this pandemic and its restrictions behind us.

    Your UFO's have no reason to make you feel guilty. Noone believes you don't intend to finish them. But sometimes other things need to be done first. Your garden and nature don't wait. Espescialy not this time of the year.

    You'll be back to them long before thew UFO's start to root.


  3. I'm with you, Marijke - hope does indeed spring eternal! Hopefully we will all be more inspired over the summer months and we can tackle our UFOs together. I am so sad that we will be down to just two of us on our weekly sessions as Louise will be on the bot for most of the summer and then will be leaving us for almost a year once fall hits. I think we should kidnap her and lock her up in one of our mini rooms so she can't leave us! Oh well, we'll work hard so we can surprise her with all we accomplish in her absence! Hugs! - Marilyn D.
